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Lilly Ketchum discovers a passion for evangelism

Lilly Ketchum

“There’s a lot that I want to do with my life after school,” college student Lilly Ketchum said, thinking ahead to the future. She’s currently studying marketing but lately has felt a calling to missions.

Lilly didn’t grow up in a Christian home but had attended Bible camps during the summer when she was younger. It wasn’t until the COVID pandemic when she started to really explore who Jesus is. She said she had been bored one day and decided to start reading the only Bible she had—a little girls’ Bible that she had gotten as a child. She started reading the Gospels and immediately fell in love with Jesus. After seeing God work through her life the next few years, she applied and got accepted to North Central University. 

During her time at North Central, Lilly attended Revival Nights and got baptized. One of her friends had been involved with Pulse 100 and encouraged her to apply. “I took a step of faith,” Lilly said, adding that she got accepted but still didn’t quite know what to expect. 

Before Pulse 100, Lilly didn’t really know what evangelism was, but she quickly realized that she had a passion for it. A few things that Lilly loves about Pulse 100 is the community and getting to make friends that she never would have made otherwise. 

Lilly shared about a time that she had a conversation with a man at an airport, having the opportunity to encourage him in his faith and feeling encouraged herself in the process. 

“Pulse has changed the way I look at everyday life,” Lilly said, discovering that she now has a love for everyone around her. “It’s genuinely changed howI walk with the Lord every day.”



Post by Emily Heck
May 31, 2024
