Pulse100 Young Evangelists

Jenna Buttrick leaves behind the chains of insecurity

Written by Tim | Aug 16, 2023 7:32:19 PM

As a member of the second cohort of Pulse 100, Jenna Buttrick can’t say enough about the year that she spent in the program. Similar to other members in Pulse 100, Jenna felt a calling on her life to go into full time ministry. She knew ministry was the place God was leading her to use her abilities and gifts. Yet, like so many, Jenna struggled with some aspects of her calling. 

Individuals who God calls into ministry do not always feel equipped to minister to others. Jenna Buttrick admits that this was a struggle of hers prior to Pulse 100. She recalls the first time she walked into Pulse headquarters for the Fall Pulse 100 retreat. Jenna thinks back to that weekend and remembers the self-doubt she struggled with. 

Within the first day she remembers how “all of the chains of insecurity” seemed to fall away. Prior to Pulse 100, Jenna would say that she felt some insecurity surrounding praying for others, being in front of people, and asking for prayer. Throughout the program she watched as God took these insecurities away and prepared her to boldly step into her calling as an evangelist. 

At the fall retreat, Jenna was given the chance to preach the Gospel in the showcase- an opportunity Pulse 100 offers where 5 young evangelists are chosen to speak to the cohort and receive feedback from Nick Hall and other preachers. This opportunity was a testament to God’s work in her life as she stood on stage and spoke with Godly confidence and boldness!

Jenna quickly grew to love the other members she met through Pulse 100 and would look forward to reuniting with the group at the national retreats. When Jenna realized that she would be unable to attend the spring retreat due to things going on in her personal life, she remembers feeling incredibly sad to miss out on seeing her Pulse 100 family.

However, she recalls how people came together to pray for her and made her feel so loved and valued, even though she wasn’t physically present. Jenna was blown away by the response of encouragement and love she got from those in the program. 

When Jenna thinks of all she has received through Pulse 100, one thing sticks out. She says, “God has given me a boldness for sharing and testifying of His goodness”. Jenna’s life is proof that this is true.