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Jackson Hepler learns the power of Christian community


Last year, Jackson Hepler attended the Together ‘22 conference in Dallas, TX led by Nick Hall, the world renowned evangelist. This conference was structured in a way that would teach attendees how to share Jesus with the people in their life. There were breakout sessions, worship, a panel of Pulse 100 members, and baptisms. 

This conference was where Jackson first learned the power of Christian community and the need for reaching the lost throughout the world. At this event, Jackson also learned about the 10 month Pulse 100 program. Soon after the conference Jackson applied and was accepted into the program! 

Pulse 100 is a powerful program designed to equip the young evangelist to grow in their calling. This is done through masterclasses, monthly counseling, personal discipleship, and national retreats. For Jackson the Pulse 100 members became like one big family. “I think that's the thing about Pulse, they'll equip you with lifelong friends that you never thought you'd have.”  

From the beginning of starting Pulse 100, Jackson knew that this was the next step to grow in becoming a more effective evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus. He thought, “I just wanted to be equipped.” So, he joined Pulse 100 ready to be mentored and discipled while later also being accepted into the 3 month Pulse Internship. The focus of the internship is to train the interns in leadership, evangelism, fitness times, professional experience, and discipleship. 

Through being a part of the Pulse 100 community, Jackson was taught how to grow in his passion, gifting, and understanding of evangelism. Jackson noted, “They showed me what paths I needed to take in order to speak about the Word and go evangelize. Whereas at first I didn't really understand or didn't think I’d even have the courage.” The mentorship and fellowship Jackson received encouraged him in his faith. And, he was poured into by people who truly loved and cared about him and his walk with Jesus. 

Jackson stated that “It's like you're actually talking to someone who is listening, who wants to pour into you, give all they know, give their knowledge, their wisdom, and especially their love. So, Pulse 100 has completely changed my life in that sense.” Jackson felt intentional love poured out onto him from the incredibly supportive Pulse 100 staff. 

Through the Pulse 100 program, Jackson also learned the power of his identity in Jesus. “I think Pulse 100 was a huge stepping stone to my identity and who I am. I think without Pulse, I don't think I would be where I am now. Pulse 100 has helped me find my identity in Christ in a new way”, said Jackson. Learning about his identity in Christ helped him to walk out his evangelistic call. 

To Jackson, Pulse 100 “Is like a big family.” 



Post by Tim
August 8, 2023
