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Izzy Miller steps out in boldness

Izzy Miller


“The Lord transformed my life in incredible ways, especially in the last two years,” Izzy Miller said, reflecting on her faith journey. 

Growing up in a Christian household, Izzy had known God for most of her life but didn’t truly commit herself to Him until high school. She was at a girls’ youth retreat one weekend and heard a message spoken. “All of my questions I had been wrestling with for so long started to be answered in that message,” Izzy said. From there, she felt her life start to truly change.

During Izzy’s spring semester of college in 2023, she met Forrest Limon and Nathan Wagner, who brought Winchester Collective—an event focused around Jesus—to her college town. After hearing Nathan speak about the event, Izzy and her friend decided to get involved and help out.

Throughout the next month or so, Izzy started hearing about Pulse 100. Both Forrest and Nathan texted her, encouraging her to apply. She prayed about it, feeling hesitant and wondering how it would fit into her schedule. But soon, God gave her a clear sign that this was where she needed to be.

Izzy remembered that during her first retreat with Pulse 100, she was in complete awe at everyone’s love and passion for Christ. “I’ve never seen a room full of Gen Z worshiping the Lord like everyone was,” she said, adding that it gives her so much hope to see this generation rising up in their faith.

Throughout her time in Pulse 100, Izzy has built strong friendships and grown in her boldness with sharing the Gospel. She remembered feeling convicted at one point during another retreat, wondering what was holding her back in sharing Jesus with others. The next day, the Holy Spirit worked within her to start conversations and pray over strangers during an outing at the Capitol. “That was such a confidence that the Lord gave me.”




Post by Emily Heck
May 31, 2024
