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How Hector Gonzalez found his calling in Minneapolis


In the summer of 2022, Hector felt called to leave his job in faith and walk through whatever door God would open next. That next door was taking a month break from work and going to Together ‘22 in Dallas, TX. This event was put on by Pulse, an evangelistic ministry, meant to equip followers of Jesus to share their faith through breakout sessions, corporate worship, and speakers.  

At Together ‘22, Hector learned of the Pulse 100 program through a panel of Pulse 100 members speaking about their experience. He learned that Pulse offered a 10-month training program filled with master classes, evangelistic training, personal discipleship sessions, monthly counseling sessions, and national retreats led by Nick Hall and his team. This program is designed to encourage young men and women to grow in their effectiveness in sharing the Gospel. 

Hector was moved by the panel speaker's growth in the faith and was encouraged to apply. Hector was hungry to learn how to share the Gospel, grow in his relationship with Jesus, and was confident that this program would teach him how. So, in the fall of 2022 Hector Gonzalez joined the second cohort of the Pulse 100 program. 

Hector was accepted into the internship program and moved to Minneapolis, MN. “So I did it and I moved. Vegas boy moves to Minneapolis! And I was covered by so much grace and such an amazing covering.” Through being in the second Pulse 100 cohort, he learned to effectively and boldly share the Gospel. 

Throughout the program, Hector was moved by the amazing mentorship, wisdom, and discipleship he received. The Pulse staff and Pulse 100 members came around Hector to equip him with knowledge on how to share his faith with this generation wherever God would take him. 

Hector noted that, “I got to learn simple things, but they were so powerful because I didn't know how to preach the Gospel. I didn't know how to share a sermon. But, the constructive criticism and encouragement was amazing.” Pulse 100 is where Hector found his calling. 



Post by Tim
August 7, 2023
