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Chandler Gapinski equipped to live on mission


“I used to say I would pray for people, but I didn’t know how to articulate the Gospel before Pulse 100,” says Pulse 100 alum Chandler Gapinski.

Chandler Gapinski joined the second cohort of the Pulse 100 young evangelist program led by Nick Hall. His life hasn’t been the same since Jesus transformed him through this program. 

Chandler attended TOGETHER ‘22, a Pulse evangelistic training and commissioning event held in Dallas, TX in June 2022. He attended the event because he felt called to evangelism and loving people like Jesus does. But he didn’t know what this looked like for his life. At the event, Chandler heard about Pulse 100 for the first time. He felt compelled to apply after hearing testimonies from members of the first cohort.

The first time Chandler walked into the Pulse 100 community, it felt like home.  

“God helped me experience His power and love in a new, tangible way through the community in Pulse 100 and be able to let Him lead and get uncomfortable,” Chandler says. 

He experienced greater intimacy with Jesus as he learned how to walk with Him through the mentorship and discipleship he received through the national retreats, masterclasses, and small group mentorship sessions

Chandler says the community formed in Pulse 100 outlasts the program, as he is still in contact with many of the other young evangelists he met. He says they are still walking with one another and encouraging each other in their faith, even though most members are scattered across the U.S. “We all know we’re of one body,” remarked Chandler. 

Since the program, Chandler has become emboldened to live his life on mission and share the Gospel with those who cross his path, whether that be digitally or in person. He knows how to share his testimony and faith in Jesus in front of others, even if he feels uncomfortable. He knows his calling is that of an evangelist. 

Chandler has a burning desire to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel with the lost. He is grateful for how God gave him the opportunity to join Pulse 100 and become equipped in evangelism.

Thanks to Pulse 100, Chandler now has a community of other young evangelists rallying behind him as they all press on in their mission to share the Gospel with those who have ears to hear.



Post by Tim
July 31, 2023
