
Brooke Mergen finds renewal at Pulse

Written by Pulse Intern | Jan 22, 2024 9:00:53 PM

Flying home across the country for her first year at a university, Brooke Mergen found herself back home in Maple Lake, Minn., after one semester. She cut her experience short because she felt God redirect her plans. So, she packed up and moved home. In a matter of weeks, she had her interview with Pulse, first learning about the internship from a friend.

“If I had to condense my thoughts about my experience as a Pulse Intern into one sentence, it would be this: ‘2023—the year I went all in with Jesus,’” she said.

The Pulse Internship, which trains emerging leaders to live a lifestyle of multiplication and commissions them to reach the world with the Gospel, allowed Brooke to experience renewal in Jesus. She experienced love, joy, and a new identity in Christ like never before. 

Brooke grew more confident as a public speaker through the preaching track at Pulse. “I have struggled all my life believing lies about myself that nobody cared what I had to say, and I would always stay quiet because I was too afraid to speak up. By the end of the internship, I gave two five-minute sermons, one ten-minute sermon, one 20-minute sermon, and I got to share my testimony at a Revival Night.”

Brooke also experienced the beauty of the godly community at Pulse as she endured a tough season personally during her internship. Her team was there to support her. “I was able to be vulnerable, and the Pulse team and other interns encouraged me, displayed His love to me, and spoke truth into me,” Brooke reflected. 

The Pulse Internship taught Brooke new ways to share the Good News. The discipline of sharing the Gospel with others pushed her out of her comfort zone. “Evangelizing doesn’t have to be a set time in your day but more of a daily interaction or conversation,” Brooke said as she reflected on her experience. 

She highly recommends this internship as a great step for those seeking the Lord for their identity.

“If you want to know who you are and what your purpose is, do this internship to learn about your original design and your identity. It will forever change your heart.”

Apply to be a Pulse Intern here!